Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Real News or Fake News

In the CNN’s article “Trump’s war on reality is truly baffling” (http://www.cnn.com/2017/03/03/opinions/why-does-trump-attack-media-nic-robertson-opinion/index.html), they talk about Putin’s history with Russia’s media, where he has silenced journalists and critics. That Russia now gets most of all their media from the state, that even the internet has now become a place where propaganda news has flourished. The editor Nic Robertson they shows his confusion in that why would President Trump being fighting with our own media, accusing them to be fake when Russia has been criticized for dealing with fake news against our country. That now more then ever our country should be turning towards respectable journalists as our best defense against fake news attacks not shunning them away. Robertson explains that trumps actions are blurring the lines between truth and lies, that now Americans don’t know whom to believe anymore. Robertson then says that President Trumps actions is creating an impression that he has something to hide just like Putin and that President Trump is putting his own interest before Americas.

Even though Robertson’s article is a little biased made for the more liberal type person, I have to agree with his argument. President Trump’s accusation on the news site that he doesn’t like and criticize him are damaging this country. By him doing this it allows our countries enemies who are increasing their cyber warfare techniques to successfully attack this country with a fake news article and have a majority of Americans believe it. It also gives the impression the President Trump is taking notes on what Putin did to his own media, but in doing so he’s playing right into Putin’s hands to begin what they’re calling a hybrid-war. Where the majority of the warzone is fought online instead of on the battlefield. President Trump needs to start being careful with his accusations especially when there is no evidence to back them up, It’ll will only further confuse Americans on what the truth really is.

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