Thursday, February 23, 2017

When Journalist Exaggerate

A little while ago after the shooting in Orlando, journalist Gersh Kuntzman went to Double Tap Shooting Range and Gun Shop to experience first hand what its like to fire the weapon that has been involved in several shootings, the AR-15. In his article “what is it like to fire an AR-15? It’s horrifying, menacing, and very very loud”, ( Kuntzman explains to his viewers what it felt like to fire the weapon for himself and to talk about how easy it is to buy such a weapon. He says in his article that firing this weapon was like firing a bazooka and sounded like a cannon. He goes on to say that weapons was loud like an explosion, deafening even with ear protection, that the recoil was so strong that is bruised his shoulder, and gave him temporary PTSD. He also talks with the storeowner Frank Stelmach about the weapon, what background checks and screenings the government should put in place before being able to buy one. Stelmach goes to say that he won’t sell to people that he deems to be unfit for weapons because they look a little funny or asked what he believes to be stupid questions like “what happens to me if the gun is stolen?

After reading the article and watching the video I have to say that this type of journalism is hurting America. Kuntzman had a chance to inform his viewers who he admits in a follow up piece never been around the AR-15 before, about what it was really like to fire the weapon and to discuss some of the truths as well misconceptions this weapon has but instead he decided to exaggerate the details to adhere to his viewer’s beliefs that the AR-15 is the most dangerous gun on the market and should be banned. This type of journalism isn’t about giving the reader the truth so they can make a decision on their own about what to be done but instead it shapes the information for the viewer to dig himself or herself deeper into their own micro segmentation. Whether this was done to push Kuntzmans own political agenda on his dislike for the gun or to get more views and shares I can not tell you but what I can tell you is that this article is pure infotainment.

Now you may have your own opinions on what should be done with the AR-15 and that is fine. The problem is how exaggerated this story really is. Being someone that has fired the AR-15 before I can personally say that the rifle is not as bad as it has been described and that the information was skewed for his article. For those that say that this was just his opinion to the weapon, opinions are fine to a certain point. If I said a fire cracker going off was extremely loud that’s one thing but if I said a firecracker going of was as loud and explosive as an IED then I’m just fabricating the truth.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Travel Ban Still Blocked

The “travel Ban” established in President Trump’s Executive Order blocking citizens from Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen for 90 days, 120 days for all refugees, has stirred a lot of controversy since it was issued on January 27th. Almost instantly protests arouse in opposition of the ban, gathering around local airports. Then a week later on February 3rd, federal Judge James Robart blocked the travel ban allowing travel to continue form the countries that were banned. As of February 9th that block has been upheld by the 9th Circuit Court.

CNN does a great job in their article, 9th Circuit rules against reinstating travel ban, ( in explaining why the three Judges chose the way they did. It also helps shed light on what actions the Trump administration might take next to try to reinstate the ban.